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The Nativity - Day THREE
Before we began tonight, we said a quick prayer of Thanksgiving.
Dear heavenly Father,
Thank you so much for the sweet children who have joined us for
Vacation Bible School.
Thank you for all of the adults who have helped make it work!
Thank you for giving big parts to small people in the Bible Stories.
In Christ’s name, we pray,
Two little fishes and five loaves of bread! ! Day TWO
VBS Time
David and Goliath ~ Day ONE
Our youth and adults told the story of David and Goliath. Did you know God used children to spread his word? Listen and learn!
David said, “You come against me with your sword, a spear, and a javelin but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel.
Remember this - Notice how he had 5 stones, but it only took 1 stone. With God on your side – you always win!
Thank you to those who prepared the food. It was delicious!!
Young David steps up to fight Goliath.
King David
recounts the story.
Everybody loves Arts and Crafts!!
Science at VBS!!
And lots of smiling faces!!!
Mrs. Hill led the closing "dance party"!!
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