Welcome to
Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church ~
EPC...Finding meaning and mission in following Jesus.
EPC is a safe place to explore your faith and connect with others seeking to follow Jesus by seeking justice, loving-kindness, and walking humbly with God.
Worship with us on Sundays.
Sunday School 10:00
Worship Service 11:00
800 W. Broad St.
Elizabethtown, NC 28337

We know meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating. And we know that going to a new church for the first time can be pretty nerve-racking. We want to help make your first experience at Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church a great one.
Our worship service begins at 11:00 am and lasts around 60 minutes. We sing hymns from the hymnal, have special music, scripture lessons are read, and our minister has a message for us each Sunday.
Each Sunday we “Pass the Peace”. That is when we all move around the sanctuary and say good morning. Don’t be surprised if several members come up to you and welcome you. We are a very social group and find this opportunity to speak to others a favorite tradition at our church.
We have Children’s Sermon when the children come to the front of the church to have a few moments with our minister. He brings the message to their understanding. (You never know what those children will say!) Our children, ages 3 through second grade, leave the sanctuary for craft/story time. This is a great opportunity for the children to have fun and learn bible stories. The children are returned to us during the last hymn.
There are pouches for the children when you first enter the front doors, in the narthex, with children’s bulletins for coloring, crayons, and a small candy treat. The older children enjoy the word games and seek-and-find activities in the bulletins.
We also provide a nursery for infants. Feel free to drop your very little ones off before church if you like. They are welcome in our worship if you want to bring them with you.
We can't wait to meet you. Hope to see you soon.

The younger disciples' artwork is the bulletin front and back for a few weeks. The works are on display in the hallway at the church.

And one special photo in the snow of January 21.
Christmas Eve Service

Lighting the Candle of Love ~ Week four of Advent
In Matthew 22:36-40 Jesus is asked,
"Teacher, which command in God's law is the most important?" Jesus said, "Love the Lord your God with all your passion, prayer, and intelligence." This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: "Love others as well as you love yourself." These two commands are pegs; everything in God's Law and the Prophets hangs from them."

During the third week in Advent, we spend time thinking about joy.
Let us pray: Too often, we think joy is something big, O God. A brass band or a parade can certainly bring us joy. Just as easily and far more often, we can feel joy in a hug or the squeeze of hand, we can see joy in a smile or hear it in laughter. Help us to not overlook the simple joys that peak into our lives daily. This week in our Advent journey, open our eyes to the joy that surrounds us. Amen

The Children's Christmas Program


Angel Tree Gifts are wrapped and delivered.

The Elizabethtown Christmas Parade

and Shepherds
And Helpers who handed our candy, bracelets, and storybooks about the Christmas Story

Palm Sunday Music
For more clips from the cantata "In Christ Alone" click on Worship, then Music. Thanks for joining us in preparing for Holy Week.